
Brow Lift

If your eyebrows have fallen over time, your forehead has deep wrinkles, or you have worry lines between your eyebrows, it may be time to consider a brow lift. Dr. David Creech has helped many women and men improve the appearance of their eyes and forehead with a brow lift. To schedule a consultation and talk about whether this is the procedure you need to take years off your appearance, call the office today.

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What is Brow Lift surgery?

A Brow Lift is also known as a forehead or eyebrow lift. Slight changes in the height of your eyebrows can have major effects on your apparent age and remarkably affect how your eyes appear. Many women pluck or wax their eyebrows in order to change the height of their brow. A high arched eyebrow is a sign of youth and can highlight your eyes and draw attention to them. A droopy eyebrow can hood your eyelids, draw attention away from your eyes, and is more typical of the male brow.
In men, the natural position of the eyebrow is slightly lower than that for women. This causes less leeway before droopy eyebrows affect the upper eyelids. It can not only draw attention away from the eyes, but may interfere with a persons’ peripheral vision. There are, however, increasingly more men interested in facial plastic surgery today. Care is taken not to elevate the eyebrows too much since too high an eyebrow can be feminizing.

The forehead and eyebrows make up the upper one-third of the face. A standard face and neck lift is really a lift of the lower two-thirds of the face and neck. A forehead lift is a facelift of the upper one-third of the face. It may be combined with a standard face and neck lift or an eyelid lift.

A brow lift is recommended for people whose eyebrows have fallen with time and whose forehead has deep wrinkles. It is a permanent way to improve the deep horizontal and vertical grooves on the forehead that develop after years of facial expression.

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Watch Dr. Creech explain this procedure.

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How does Brow Lift surgery work?

The standard brow lift, recommended for severe age-related forehead and eyebrow problems, is performed through an incision on the top of the head. The operation takes about two hours, and may be performed with you under an intravenous sedation or general anesthesia. At the end of the surgery, small sutures and surgical staples are placed to close the incision. These are removed in seven to ten days. You are able to go home the same day as surgery. If your eyebrow or forehead problem is not too severe, then perhaps you would be a good candidate for endoscopic surgery of the forehead. Through small incisions in the scalp, the deep grooves can be improved and the eyebrows raised. Dr. Creech will be happy to discuss this procedure in detail during your initial consultation.

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What is Brow Lift recovery like?

You will be able to return to work within ten days and will be able to resume your routine activities and exercise at eight weeks. There is some swelling or bruising and you may notice some numbness in the forehead and scalp for several months. Most of our patients do not find this a major concern. Your improved look will be subtle to everyone but you. Many people will say how well rested you look, or ask if you’ve changed your hairstyle. This procedure alone can make you look anywhere from five to ten years younger.

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Brow Lift


How does a brow lift improve my appearance?
What should I expect during my brow lift?
What are the two primary types of lift procedures?
What should I expect during recovery from a brow lift?